SRT48 DC MV Cover ke-5 - Gingham Check. Gingham Check merupakan Single ke-6 JKT48. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang bimbang untuk mengungkapkan cintanya.

Nama-nama member SRT48DC yang berpartisipasi kali ini :
1. Cindy Irene (Center)
2. Hellena Nadya Putri
3. Hanifa Izzadini
4. Rayza Istaka
5. Ratih Tri Wahyuningtias
6. Jovanka Natalia
7. Sinta Megatama
8. Mika Antariska
9. Zulfa Amelia

Mohon dukungannya kepada kami.
Kritik & saran positif, sangat berharga bagi kami.

Terimakasih kepada JKT48 yang telah merilis lagu ini. Jangan lupa untuk selalu mendukung JKT48.

SRT48 is DC 5th MV Cover Project, Gingham Check. Gingham Check is the 6th single of JKT48. The song tell about someone who is hesitant to express his love.

The names of SRT48 DC members who participate in this MV cover :
1. Cindy Irene (Center)
2. Hellena Nadya Putri
3. Hanifa Izzadini
4. Rayza Istaka
5. Ratih Tri Wahyuningtias
6. Jovanka Natalia
7. Sinta Megatama
8. Mika Antariska
9. Zulfa Amelia

Please support us.
Criticisms & positive suggestions, very valuable for us.

Thank you to JKT48 for released this song. Don’t forget to always support JKT48.
#srt48 #jkt48 #ginghamcheck

Original MV:

I do not own ANY of the soundtrack or music, rights for audio go to ABS-CBN Corporation (Music)

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