『AKB48海外旅行日記 ~ニューヨークとカンヌって近いんですか?~』(2009年/光文社)、『AKB48海外旅行日記2 with SKE48 ~ここはどこですか?~』(2011年/光文社)に続く、ファン待望の写真集"海外旅行日記"シリーズ第3弾『AKB48海外旅行日記3 ~ハワイはハワイ~』との連動企画!
<選抜メンバー16名で行われた「2014年 AKB48劇場元日公演」も収録!>
2014年1月上旬にハワイで撮影された特典映像と、2014年1月1日に行われた「2014年 AKB48劇場元日公演」を同梱!
ハワイでの撮りおろし生写真を大ボリュームの20枚封入! さらに、メンバーそれぞれがデザインしたフォトフレームが付いた豪華パッケージ!!
<先行予約> ~2014年3月28日(金)
・AKB48DVD&CD Catalog Web/Mobileサイト、AKB48 SHOP(秋葉原店のみ)
<通常販売> 2014年3月29日(土)~
・AKB48DVD&CD Catalog Web/Mobileサイト、AKB48 SHOP(31店舗)、AKB48 CAFE&SHOPS、SKE48 CAFE&SHOP with AKB48
・DVD2枚(ハワイ映像1枚 + 2014年 AKB48劇場元日公演1枚)
”AKB48 Kaigai Ryokou Nikki ~Hawaii wa Hawaii~ (AKB48 Overseas Travel Diary ~Hawaii is Hawaii~)” (The First Drive) -Team K Short ver.- / AKB48 [Official]
Click on the link below for more information!!
The popular photo book, “Overseas Travel Diary Series” has finally come alive to footage!!
You can choose your Oshimen (favorite member)! Comes with “20 Photos” & “Original photo frame”!!
The stage is Hawaii. The camera zooms in on the real faces of 35 of the most popular members on the tropical island of Hawaii. The Overseas Travel Diary “DVD”, which includes special projects that takes advantage of the spectacular location is finally complete!!
A project linked with the photo book that the fans have all been waiting for, the 3rd of the “Overseas Travel Diary” series: “AKB48 Overseas Travel Diary 3 ~ Hawaii is Hawaii ~”, which follows “AKB48 Overseas Travel Diary ~ Are New York and Cannes close to each other? ~” (2009 / Kobunsha) and “AKB48 Overseas Travel Diary 2 with SKE48 ~ Where is this? ~” (2011 / Kobunsha)!
<”2014 AKB48 Theater New Years Day Stage” performed by the 16 Selected Members is also included!>
Bundles the bonus footage filmed in early January 2014 and ”2014 AKB48 Theater New Years Day Stage”!
Also includes 20 photos taken in Hawaii as an added bonus! Furthermore, the lavish package comes with a photo frame that each member has designed!!
【Schedule of Sales】
<Advance Reservation> 〜March 28th, 2014 (Fri.)
AKB48DVD&CD Catalog Web/Mobile Site, AKB48 SHOP (Akihabara only)
<Regular Sales> March 29th, 2014 (Sat.)〜
AKB48DVD&CD Catalog Web/Mobile Site, AKB48 SHOP (31 Stores Nationwide), AKB48 CAFÉ&SHOPS, SKE48 CAFÉ&SHOP with AKB48
【Product Information】
■Price: 5,000 Japanese yen (plus tax)
■Product Specifications:
・2 Discs (1 Disk, Hawaii Footage + 1 Disk, 2014 AKB48 Theater New Years Stage)
・Leaflet (Folded in half)
・1 set of photos (includes 20 photos)
・ Original photo frame
※The photos and original photo frame can be chosen from the 35 members
※You cannot choose different members for the photo set and the original photo frame."
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