STU48 6thシングル「独り言で語るくらいなら」MUSIC VIDEO/ STU48【公式】
Lyrics:秋元康 Music:大濱健悟 Arrangement:APAZZI Strings:MIZ
ダンスシーンは、上下で鏡合わせのようにメンバーを写し、16人それぞれの“もう一人の自分“をCGならではの演出で表現。一昨年「第61回 輝く!日本レコード大賞」にて日本レコード大賞に輝いたFoorin「パプリカ」などを手掛けた世界的ダンサーである辻本知彦が、三拍子のリズムとファンタジックな雰囲気を意識した振付を制作した(※STU48を手掛けるのは今回で3作連続、4度目となる)。
また、STU48は「アニメ de 海ごみゼロプロジェクト」に賛同し、アニメ映画「サンタ・カンパニー」の新作として海洋ごみ問題をテーマに制作された「サンタ・カンパニー~真夏のメリークリスマス~」とタイアップ。作品のエンディング曲に起用されている。
『独り言で語るくらいなら』All Members
石田千穂・石田みなみ・今村美月・岩田陽菜・大谷満理奈・岡田奈々・沖 侑果・甲斐心愛・門脇実優菜・高雄さやか・瀧野由美子・原田清花・中村 舞・福田朱里・矢野帆夏・薮下 楓
If It Means Talking to Myself
I hopped on an empty train
From the platform opposite
To the one I usually take
On an impulse
Don't know where I'm headed
Or what lies ahead
Today, I just don't want
The crowds to step on my toes
The city grows distant
Beyond the window and
The countryside spreads wide
If it means talking to myself
I'd rather say nothing and just get to it
No matter how I try to imagine
There's a limit to what I can see from where I am now
Just searching for the answers in my mind
I'm sure not to find what I'm looking for
Nobody notices the dreams that lie
At the destination where everybody goes
Even if I were to complain
Who's gonna listen?
At the end of the line
I found myself all alone
My first act of resistance is
The refreshing air
Being alone
Is unnerving but
It's a brand-new world
Getting started has more meaning
Than just talking about it
Don't close your eyes and just make believe
See for yourself
Feeling the breeze on my cheek
I take a deep breath
I'm gonna face reality
And accept it all
You can't tell the difference between
Happiness and unhappiness just by imagining
What time does the next train come?
I remember something I left behind
What am I supposed to do now?
I think I'll go back to the city like I know I should
Nothing's gonna, nobody's gonna
Make me jealous anymore
This isn't some soliloquy
I’ll shout at the top of my lungs
My dream is closer than I thought
I realized when I made it this far
If it means talking to myself
I'd rather say nothing and just get to it
No matter how I try to imagine
There's a limit to what I can see from where I am now
Just searching for the answers in my mind
I'm sure not to find what I'm looking for
Nobody notices the dreams that lie
At the destination where everybody goes
Even if I were to complain
Who's gonna listen?
STU48 6thシングル「独り言で語るくらいなら」
<Type A>
《CD》 新曲2曲+inst2曲 計4曲収録予定
M-2「サングラスデイズ」1期生 & ドラフト3期生 楽曲
M-3 M-1(off vocal ver.)
M-4 M-2(off vocal ver.)
1.「独り言で語るくらいなら」Music Video
<Type B>
《CD》 新曲2曲+inst2曲 計4曲収録予定
M-2「僕はこの海を眺めてる」瀬戸内PR部隊 楽曲
M-3 M-1(off vocal ver.)
M-4 M-2(off vocal ver.)
1.「僕はこの海を眺めてる」Music Video
#STU48 #独り言で語るくらいなら
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