75.1 D-Day Anniversary
A service on Normandy Beach by Canadian servicemen; flashback to 3rd Division’s landing at Bernières-sur-Mer on D-Day; the church steeple then and now; the city’s tribute in the town square; French veterans at the Bernières-sur-Mer Cemetery for Canadian soldiers.

75.2 C.M.H.Q. Blast walls Blitzed
The walls that surround Canadian Military Headquarters in Trafalgar Square, London, are taken down by Royal Canadian Engineers; the left-over brick is collected; headquarters without its blast walls.

75.3 R.C.N. Medicos Open Baby Clinic
The Royal Navy Strathcona Well Baby Clinic in Halifax; women and their young children; bearded sailors bring their tots in for a check-up; children playing at the nursery school.

75.4 Army Corrals Displaced Persons
Ex-slave workers and other displaced persons are dealt with by members of 4th Canadian Division Army Military Government Section at Kusten Canal, Germany; the civilians are deloused; Ukrainian people are brought to the camp; 3rd Canadian Division members sort people out; The Royal Canadian Army Service Corps brings people to vacant work camps which become their temporary homes; a Russian officer attached to the Canadian Section explains camp rules to his countrymen; German women are made to do clean-up work at the camp; the ex-slaves rest in the sun; Canadian medical officers help out; the people in the camp sing and dance.

75.5 Major Tilston, V.C.
Frederick Albert Tilston of the Essex Scottish Regiment, recipient of the Victoria Cross; he is interviewed by the CBC; a nurse lights his cigarette; Tilston, in a wheelchair, is brought outside where other patients visit with him. Tilston won the Victoria Cross for bravery in action on March 1, 1945.

75.6 Zutphen’s Twin Bridges Opened
Royal Canadian Engineers complete the construction of two giant Bailey bridges across the Ijssel River; General H.D.G. Crerar officially opens the bridges, which are named “Harry” and “Crerar” in his honour; Crerar drives over them; the crowd cheers.

75.7 Last Rotational Leave Men Canada-Bound
At the Aldershot Repatriation Area, trains take soldiers and former prisoners of war at the Southampton port; they board the Pasteur; dignitaries and a band bid them farewell; men rest on board.

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