Moeru! Onii-san (The Burning Wild Man) is an anime that consists of 24 TV episodes and 2 OVA episodes that was originally broadcasted from March 14, 1988 to September 19, 1988 and animated by Studio Pierrot. It was an adaptation from the manga series that ran in the Weekly Shonen Jump, and created by Tadashi Satou.
The series covers the story of a young man named Kenichi Kokuhou who was separated in the wilderness from his family as a toddler and was later raised by a hermit. Kenichi later learns about his separation and proceeds to reunite with his family living in the city, but his feral upbringing often comes in conflict with the norms of civilized society.
The original manga series was serialized from 1987 to 1991, and was collected in 19 Tankōbon volumes. Just prior to creating Moeru! Onii-san, Tadashi Satou worked as an assistant to Motoei Shinzawa, the creator of High School! Kimengumi. This may help explain the similarities between their art styles.
The now defunct Anime Sols who closed their site back in May 2015 originally had plans to translate this title into English and stream it through their site, but they shut down their operations before they could start any work on it.
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