Godiego is a Japanese rock band, consisting of keyboardist and composer Mickie Yoshino, vocalist Yukihide Takekawa, guitarist Takami Asano and Yoji Yoshizawa, bassist Steve Fox, and drummer Tommy Snyder.

2 coffee ($10) per video suggestion:
Business email: MaxSujyBusiness@hotmail.com
Official Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3c_3yyfpec&list=
Instagram: sujythebravetv
Twitch: sujythebrave;
0:00 Introduction
0:21 Gandhara
0:52 The ancient kingdom of Gandhara
2:20 The Monkey, the monk Ripitaka, and the pilgrimage
3:52 It's difficult to go to Gandhara (drinking your urine!?)
5:02 The Priest on the Horse
6:27 Emperor Go-Daigo
7:56 Godiego playlist (Monkey Magic, Gandhara, Galaxy Express 999)

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