Ai Enma Curse
闇に惑いし哀れ な影よ
人を傷つけ貶め て
罪に溺れし業の 魂
一遍... 死んで見る?
"Yami ni madoishi awarena kage yo
Hito o kizutsuke otoshimete,
Tsumi ni oboreshi gō no tama,
Ippen... shinde miru?
"Oh pitiful shadow bound in darkness,
Looking down upon people, and causing them pain.
A soul drowned in sinful karma...
Want to try dying this once?"
Said each time she banishes another soul to Hell.
-Ai Enma [閻魔あい] - [Jigoku Shoujo // Hell Girl] - [地獄少女]
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