Another masterpiece of the combination of Marley Caribu (original) and Akio Tanaka (drawing), which is also known as the original of the movie "A Homansu" starring Yusaku Matsuda, is an OVA of a cult-like popular daily graphic novel. Hachisuka and Kubota, Japanese people I met in the Middle East. Now they are residents of the cheap apartment "Gekkou-so", especially Hachisuka, who lives in a cheap toilet room. Along with Kimura, a ronin who aspires to the University of Tokyo, he becomes a person who leads a stray life on a "border (line)" that is useless and radical with an eye on the general society. Hachisuka and Kubota, who lived that day, had a delicious job. It was a Yarase worker on a TV document show. I'm worried about the content of my work, but the two who want money ... The director is Noboru Ishiguro. Artland, led by Ishiguro, is in charge of animation production, and Nippon Animation also participates in the production cooperation.
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