This is a short animation of the last half minute of the flight. Aircraft attitude is taken from the flight data reported in JTSB's investigation. The position of the sun is accurate to within a degree, although the sky might be slightly inaccurate (I couldn't find precise weather conditions at the crash site but there were reports of scattered clouds in the Tokyo area).

link to report:
[full link text] jtsb :dot: mlit :dot: go :dot: jp/jtsb/aircraft/download/bunkatsu.html#5

Full reconstruction by Gohan-chan:

Reuse with attribution

Footnotes: Parts of the last 2 minutes of the FDR appear to be disrupted. The JTSB provided corrections to flight data for this period. Although the aircraft attitude is taken from flight data, the flight path was pretty much eyeballed for the entire video except for the impact points. After the right wing's impact with the trees, the flight data became unreadable. The investigation did provide probable aircraft attitude at the time of crash, so I attempted to interpolate the plane's orientation.

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