Back in the day (five years of days ago) I took a Digital Storytelling course-- my one and only foray into the world the Computer Science program (we are all welcome). Here is an overwhelming description of the course:
"This course will require you to both design and build an online identity and narrate your process throughout the fifteen week semester.
In many ways this course will be part storytelling workshop, part technology training, and, most importantly, part critical interrogation of the digital landscape that is ever increasingly mediating how we communicate with one another."
Boiled down? An opportunity to be yourself and do hard work and that be enough to count. (read: a unique space and time to geek out for points). It was so WIN. I ran across this old assignment for the class recently (it was for montage week or something excellent like that): Ted Kennedy's eulogy of Jackie Kennedy, who died May 19, 1994 at the age of 64. In celebration of Jackie and of DS106, I share this nerd showcase...
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