"人間(ひと)の数だけ愛はあるんだ 世界は愛に溢れているよ 誰かの悲しみはみんなで分けよう"という歌詞に代表される、この曲の持つ優しさや温かさが、今、深い悲しみの中にいる皆様に届きますように。



SKE48 “Ai no Kazu (Amount of Love)” ~ We hope the kindness this song holds will reach you all ~

“Ai no Kazu (Amount of Love)” sings about human love that SKE48 thinks very deeply of.
This song originally does not have a music video, but following the earthquake disaster, we present this video to you in hopes of giving support.
“The amount of people equals the amount of love. The world is filled with love. Let’s all take on the burden and sadness of others.” We hope that these lyrics filed with warmth and kindness will reach everyone’s hearts.

“Dareka no Tameni (What Can I Do For Someone?)” Project
URL: http://www.akb48.co.jp/darekanotameni/

SKE48 Official Website
URL: http://www.ske48.co.jp/

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